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The Starfighter series
is more about the title font than about the piece itself. That is to say that
the font is at least as important as
the actual picture. The barcode
(click here to download Bear Rock demo barcode fonts)
represents a looking forward with a tinge of regret about what has been lost.
There were no paints. I sat quietly and considered where to put things. There
was not the wild abandon that I throw into my
painting. There was no loud music, no dancing about with paint application
tool, no screams of exaltation. Indeed there was
only the clicking of the keyboard, the hum of machinery, and the occasional
scream of frustration while I coded this.
Perhaps lost is to stong a word. My garage/studio is full of junk that will one
day be sculpture. There is no longer any room to
create the art I want to. I recently purchased a gatana I want to attack the
canvas with that in my hand, full of paint.